Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Signing Away Rights Khaled Hosseini’s novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, portrays the struggles of two women living under Taliban law in Afghanistan. Many thousands of women are restricted to their homes because the Taliban permits them from contributing to society, seeking education, or even leaving their property without a male relative present. Because women continue to face this oppression, 97% of women in the country show symptoms of depression (Woolf Internet). Women in Afghanistan are prohibited from having the right to make their own decisions because of gender discrimination.In the book, Mariam faced ongoing gender discrimination, but two events mirrored each other and portrayed huge significance. When Mariam was forced to marry Rasheed, she needed to sign a contract, just as she did before her execution, twenty seven years later. But what does one’s signature symbolize? It symbolizes their approval to whatever is written in the document. Mariam was sent off to R asheed against her will. â€Å"But I’ve seen nine-year-old girls given to men twenty years older than your suitor, Mariam. We all have. What are you, fifteen? That’s a good, solid marrying age for a girl,† (pg. 4). This is an example of a problem that practically all women in Afghanistan face because they have no rights and are treated as prizes to be given away. Twenty seven years later, Mariam killed Rasheed in order to defend Laila and was sent to prison. â€Å"†¦Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always,† (pg. 323). Mariam recalled Nana’s wisdom as she awaited her execution. This quote shows that women are evidentally inferior to men in the Afganistan society and will be accused of crimes that they did or did not do regardless.Mariam stayed mute during both events because she knew that her protests would not be heard, and she’d be overruled by the Mullah. These events symbol ize the injustice that women face, but have to bear because society cannot be changed according to their whim. The things that happened to Mariam and Laila were not unusual events. Having women forced to do things against their will was a common occurrence in Afghanistan. â€Å"87% of women are illiterate and only 30% of women in Afghanistan have access to education,† (Taylor Internet).These startling statistics show that women are not valued as much as men are and are one of the reasons why they are taken advantage of. â€Å"Seventy to eighty percent of women face forced marriages, and as a result, one in every three Afghan women experience physical, psychological, or sexual violence, (Taylor Internet)†. Looking at these facts, women do not have a choice about almost anything. The small percent of women who do have rights to certain things in Afghanistan are only getting the average rights that other women, who live in more developed areas of the world, usually get al l the time.This is all because women are not considered to be equal to men and because they are treated differently, the average life expectancy for a woman in Afghanistan is only 44 years (Taylor Internet). Although Afghanistan is known for its cruel Taliban laws, few changes have been welcomed. Hamid Kurzai, the Afghanistan president, stated, â€Å"Men and women have equal rights under Islam but there are differences in the way men and women are created, (Boone Internet). † Women are now allowed to refuse sex from their husband if she is sick or has a reasonable excuse.Women are also allowed to leave the home without permission when there is an emergency forcing her to do so. With that statement, he passed a new law that gives women slightly more freedom, but still to an unreasonable extent. To this day, Afghanistan women are still portrayed as unequal and inferior just as Mariam and Laila were treated in the book. When Mariam signed the contracts twice in the book, once to Rasheed and again when she accepted her execution, she gave away her life and all the unjust rights that she had along with it.Practically all women residing in Afghanistan have to deal with these situations on a daily basis because they are prohibited to make their own decisions due to being of ‘inferior’ female gender. On a side note, Taliban law has been weakening throughout the years. Campaigns and protests against the restrictions on women, although not fully successful, are helping women in Afghanistan a little more every day and give them hope of freedom. -Khaled Hosseini, A Thousand Splendid Suns, May 22, 2007 Human’s Rights Watch, Afghanistan: New Law Threatens Women’s Freedom, Human’s Rights Watch, April 14, 2009, http://www. hrw. org/news/2009/04/14/afghanistan-new-law-threatens-women-s-freedom -Rupert Taylor, Women’s Rights Abused In Afghanistan, Middle Eastern Affairs, April 20, 2009, http://rupert-taylor. suite101. com/womens-r ights-abused-in-afghanistan-a111098 -Jon Boone, ‘Worse Than The Taliban’ –New Law Rolls Back Rights For Afghan Women’ , World News, March 30, 2009, http://www. guardian. co. uk/world/2009/mar/31/hamid-karzai-afghanistan-law

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bio Ecological Model of Human Development Essay

The bio ecological model of human development has four basic systems. The four basic systems are macrosystems, exosystems, microsystems, and mesosystems. I will summarize the four systems and how the influences have on a child’s development. I will describe how the four systems in the model differ from oneother. I will provide examples of the four systems of their relationships and interactions with one another. A microsystem: a relationship and activity that experienced by a developed person in immediate environments like family, school, peer group, community and media. Family provides affection, nurturance, and opportunities. School is a formal learning environment. Peer groups help with experiences in independences, companionship, support, cooperation, and a role to take. Community helps children learn how to do by watching people work. Media helps provided the view of the world. Mesosystem: an interrelationship and linkage between two or more person in a microsystem that compromise of connections between immediate environments likes a child’s home and school. The impact on a child depends on the number of interrelationships. Exosystem: a setting that children do not participate, but it does affect one of their microsystems. Read more:Â  Factors that influence child develop Also, their external environmental setting indirectly affects the development like a parent’s workplace. An example: a low-income family would have to get food stamps, Medicaid, and or TANF. My family is part of this system because my family gets food stamps and Medicaid. We had to fight for the help though. Macrosystem: a society and subculture that belongs to a developing person with certain beliefs, lifestyles, interactions, and changes in their live that consist of a larger cultural context of national economy, political culture, and subculture. Examples of macrosystems are family planning services and affordability of contraceptives which can influence teen pregnancy and birth rates. Young women are taking to the Planned Parenthood in their area to get birth control pills to prevent teenage pregnancy. According to Hall; there are two classifications of macrosystems; low and high context. Low-context macrosystem concise of progress, practicality, competition, and rationality. Examples: communication and relationships of social and natural environment. High-context macrosystem are concise of group identity, tradition, intuitiveness, and emotionality. Example of high-context macrosystem is adaptively. The ecological model’s most basic unit of analysis in the microsystem is the immediate settings, including role relationships and activities. Microsystem mostly of the family, but as they grow and are exposed to day care, preschool classes, and neighborhood playmates, the system becomes more complex. Microsystems are dynamic contexts for development because of the bi-directional influences individuals impart on each other. Many micro-level determinants of health affecting early child development investigated and proposed. Factors like nutrition, shelter, hygiene, stimulation, support, attachment, and parenting style, investigated and correlated with later outcomes. The relative quality and/or quantity can have either positive or negative effects on health. On a practical level, the amount of parent involvement in the child’s education related to children’s educational achievement (Canadian Council on Social Development, 1997), and the specific language and cultural practices of the family, such as the amount of time spent reading together (Bus, van IJzendoorn, & Pellegrini, 1995) can have effects on the development of individual capacities. Similarly, family arrangement, constitution, and the amount of contact with extended family can affect child development through the kinds of interactive opportunities these arrangements provide (Hernandez, 1997). There are also two of the most important factors of children’s social functioning are parents’ psychiatric health and marital status. These two factors explain much of the variability in children’s social and emotional competence (Goodman, Brogan, Lynch, & Fielding, 1993; Kershner & Cohen, 1992; Kochanska & Kuczynski, 1991; Miller, Cowan, Cowan, Hetherington, & Clingempeel, 1993). The risk factors associated with behavioral and emotional disorders in children linked to parental variables such as single parenthood, marital separation, young motherhood, poor family relations, and maternal mental health symptoms (Sameroff & Fiese, 2000; Williams, Anderson, McGee, & Silva, 1990). The presence of one or more of these risk factors compounds the risk for poor social functioning of children. The mesosystem: the second of Bronfenbrenner’s environmental layers, and refers to the interrelationships among different microsystem levels, such as home, school, and peer group settings. For instance, what happens at home influences at school and in turn what are in the school environment will likely influence family interactions? Specifically, parents’ involvement within the school in conjunction with teachers’ involvement with families represent mesosystem functioning. In addition, the community expected to affect distal family processes, and a family’s ability to provide the necessary support for their child. He will also focus on factors such as physical safety, problems in the neighborhood, and neighbors and examine their links to children’s prosaically skills. The third environmental layer of the model in the exosystem consists of the contexts that children cannot a part of but does influence their development. For example, decisions by the school boards and parents’ workplaces do not include the child but may influence and impact the child’s development. A school board sets the educational policies that can relevant to the child reflective of exosystem influences. The school board would adopt a policy that states that children with disabilities go into special classes. This may affect that child’s academic and social progress. The policies do set by parents’ employers’ maybe impact a child’s development. Where parent’s leaves may not allow flexible work hours may not an option. Parents’ availability to their child can influence a child’s development (Fagan & Wise, 2001; Thomas & Grimes, 1995). The outer layer of the ecological model in the macrosystem layers composed of the cultural source that influences most of the child’s immediate experience but impacts the child through attitudes, practices, and convictions shared in society. The most distant or macro-level wealth of the nation or region and how the wealth distributed among the people. The variables can be more distant because there effects are more outrages. The individual and population level of the environmental predictor of health and developmental outcomes because some of the measure of relative affluences socio-economic status. According to the National Forum on Health: Determinants of Health Working Group Synthesis report (1997), child poverty, unemployment, youth underemployment, involuntary retirement, labor force restructuring, cuts in social programs, decreases in real income, income inequities, the disintegration of communities as we once knew them, single parenthood, and the ever-increasing pressures of work on families and all factors that determine population health. The more equitable a society, the more widely shared feelings of self-esteem and control, the more empowered its members, and the better overall health status. Conclusion, we have yet to confront the reality that the growing chaos in the lives of our children, youth, and families today simultaneously pervades too many of the principal settings in which we live our daily lives in the family, health care systems, child care arrangements, peer groups, schools, neighborhoods, the workplace, and means of transportation and communication between them.

A God Divided: Understanding the Differences Between Islam, Christianity and Judaism Essay

Christianity, Islam and Judaism, are the world’s greatest monotheist faiths. These faiths have some similarities and differences. In this paper analysis of what is common amongst Islam, Judaism and Christianity is analyzed at an in-depth level. Islam is the world’s largest religion after Christianity. It is a monotheistic faith that traces its roots in the Middle East. Many of its practices and beliefs are similarity with Christianity and Judaism. Judaism, Islam and Christianity, are referred collectively as â€Å"Abrahamic religion† since their history could be traced to God’s covenant with Abraham in the Hebrews Bible. It is believed that Prophet Muhammad met Christians and Jews in his lifetime and as such Islam has come into contact with similar monotheistic religions throughout its history (Paterson 216). The following paragraphs give the differences and similarities between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It gives a detailed analysis of statistics, h istory, religious beliefs and origin of the greatest monotheistic faiths. The adherents of Christianity, Judaism and Islam respectively are 2billion Christians, 14 million Jews and over one billion Muslims. Compared to other faiths in the world, Christianity is the largest faith, then Islam and Judaism ranks 12 amongst world faiths. The major concentration of Islam is South East Asia and Middle East. Judaism concentration is in America, Europe and Israel. Christianity has a fast growth in Africa, Europe, North and South America. Islam’s sacred text is the Koran, for the Jews it is the bible and the Christians it is the Jewish bible and the New Testament. Other written authorities by these faiths are: hadith for the Muslims, Midrash, Talmud and Responsa for the Jews. The Christians consider especially the Catholics consider church councils, papal decrees, church fathers as having written authority. The three religions both have religious law (Catherwood 192). For the Christians, it is the Canon law, for Muslim it is the sharia law, for Jews it is the Halakhah. Another similarity amongst the three faiths is the presence of the clergy. For the Muslims the clergy is made up of imams, the Jews have rabbis and the Christian’s clergy comprises of the priests, ministers, bishops and pastors. The three faiths both have a house of worship. The Jews worship at the synagogue, the Muslims at the mosque and Christians at the church, cathedral or chapel. Christianity, Islam and Judaism also have a similarity in the sense that they have a specific day of worship. Christians worship on Sunday, Muslim on Friday and Jews on Saturday. For church and state, Islam the religion is integrated to the state while, for Christianity and Judaism, it is separate. For the origin and history of these faiths, Islam was founded in 622 CE, Christianity in c. 33 CE and the dates for beginning of Judaism are still unknown. Judaism and Christianity were founded in Palestine while Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia. Both faiths had founders. The founder of Christianity is Jesus, for Islam it is Muhammad and for Judaism it is Moses or Abraham. Both faiths have an original language. The original language of Islam was Arabic, for Judaism it was Hebrew and for Christianity, it was Aramaic and Greek. Both faiths had an early expansion plan. For Islam, in 12 years, the entire Arabic Peninsula had Islam and in a century, Islamism stretched throughout the Atlantic to China. Judaism had small expansion that was limited to the Palestine regions only. In 60 years, Christianity had expanded and had churches in cities in Turkey, Rome, Palestine and Greek; by the 4th century their expansion was throughout the entire Roman Empire. Another similarity amongst the three faiths is the major splits aspects. In Islam, the split was in 650 CE amongst the Shia and Sunni. For Judaism, in the 1800s CE the split was amongst the Reform and Orthodox. Amongst the Christians, the splits were two in1054 CE amongst the catholic and orthodox and in1500s CE amongst the catholic and Protestants. Similarity could also be made on the religious beliefs amongst Christians, Islam and Judaism. For Islam and Judaism, they are strictly monotheist while Christians are Trinitarian monotheist (David 37). Another common characteristic in the belief system of the three faiths is the ultimate reality where Christianity, Judaism and Islam have one God. The three faiths have names for God. Muslims refer to Him as Allah which is Arabic for God. Jews refer to Him as Yahweh and Elohim while Christians refer to him as the holy trinity and Yahweh. The three faiths both believe in other spiritual beings like for the Islam, they have demons, angels and jinn. The Jews and Christians have demons and angels. Another common characteristic of the three faiths religious beliefs are the revered humans. The Shia Muslims have prophets and imams while the Jews have prophets. The Christians have saints and church fathers. The religious views of the three faiths on the Jesus Christ’s identity are different and similar in some way. The Muslim believes that He is God’s true prophet whose message has been corrupted. The Jews consider him a false prophet while the Christians believe he is the son of God, the world’s savior and God incarnate. The Christians and Muslims believe the birth of Jesus was a virgin birth while the Jew believes it was just a normal birth. The Christians and Jews believe that Jesus died by crucifixion on the cross while the Muslims believe He did not die but ascended into heaven during crucifixion. On the resurrection of Jesus, the Muslims and Jews denied it while the Christians affirm it. On the second coming of Jesus, the Muslims and Christians affirmed it while the Jews deny it. The three faiths also have a similarity in terms of divine revelation where the Muslims believe it is through Muhammad as written in the Quran. The Jews believe through prophets as written in the bible and the Christians through prophets and Jesus as written in the bible. Another similarity of the three faiths in religious beliefs is their views on the sacred text. The Christians and the Muslims believe that the sacred text is inspired, and it is the literal word of God and some believe inerrant in original languages. For Judaism, the views vary. The three faiths also have a similarity on human nature. The Jews and Muslims believe on the equal ability for humans to do right or evil while the Christians believe on the original sin from Adam on the tendency towards evil. Another outstanding similarity amongst the three faiths is the religious belief on means of salvation. They all believe that means to salvation is the through righteous deeds. However, some Christians believe in sacraments while the Protestants believe the means to salvation is through faith only (David 307). They also have a similarity on God’s role in salvation. The Muslims and Christians believe it is the predestination while the Jews believe it is the divine revelation and forgiveness. The religious belief of Christians and Muslims on the good afterlife is similar as they believe in eternal paradise while the Jews views vary as it is either no afterlife or heaven. On bad afterlife, Christians and Muslim believe in eternal hell. For Catholics, they believe in temporary purgatory. The views of Jews on the bad afterlife vary from, reincarnation, eternal Gehenna or no afterlife. The view of the three faiths on fellow Abrahamic religions is similar and positive. The Muslims bel ieve that Christians and Jews are people of the book and are respected but have partial revelations and wrong beliefs. The Jews believe that Christianity and Islam are false interpretation of Judaism. Christians, on the other hand, believe that Islamism is a false religion and Judaism has false interpretation but is a true religion. Both Christians and Muslims believe in the presence of the clergy. The Muslim clergy is made up of imams while that of Christians comprises of bishops, ministers, priests and pastors. Both religions have a house of worship. Muslims worship at the mosque while Christians worship in a church, chapel or cathedral. Both Muslims and Christians have a specific day set aside for worship (Novak, 2001). Most Christians worship on Sunday or Saturday, while the Islamic day of worship is Friday. The Islamic religion is integrated to the state while that of Christianity is separate. Muhammad is believed to be the founder of the Islamic religion while the founder of Christianity is Jesus. The original language used by Muslims was Arabic and that of Christians was Aramaic and Greek. The two religions concur on the perspective of human nature whereby Muslims believe in the equal ability for humans to do right or evil while the Christians believe on the original sin from Adam on the trend towards evi l. Islam and Christianity have specific religious beliefs that are different. Muslims are strictly monotheist while Christians are Trinitarian monotheist. The two religions have a common feature in the belief system as evidenced by their ultimate reality and worship for one supernatural being-God. The only difference is the name they use for God. The Muslim name for God is Allah which is Arabic for God and that of Christians is the Holy Trinity or Yahweh. Another similarity of the two religions in religious beliefs is their views on the sacred text. The Christians and the Muslims believe that the sacred text is inspired, and it is the truthful word of God and some believe inerrant in original languages Another outstanding similarity amongst the Christians, Muslims and Jews is rituals. All the three faiths conduct rituals to fit in their faiths. In Christianity, amongst the Catholics, there is the sacrament, which includes the Holy Eucharist and Baptism. In Roman Catholicism, other rituals are included like: Confirmation, Penance, Holy Orders, Marriages and Anointment of the sick. Prayer is a part of the faith too. In Islamism, there are five fundamental rituals considered as the pillars of Islam. They include the Shaddah which is the faith profession, salat which is five times daily prayer, zakat which is alms giving, sawm which is fasting in Ramadan and hajj that is the pilgrimage to Mecca. The Jewish rituals include the circumcision of new born males, bar mitzvah that is a ceremony celebrating the adulthood of Jewish boys and shabat which is Sabbath observation. The religious views of the three faiths on the Jesus Christ’s identity are different and similar in some way. The Muslim believes that He is God’s true prophet whose message has been corrupted (Catherwood 192). The Jews consider him a false prophet while the Christians believe he is the son of God, the world’s savior and God incarnate. The Christians and Muslims believe the birth of Jesus was a virgin birth while the Jew believes it was just a normal birth. The Christians and Jews believe that Jesus died by crucifixion on the cross while the Muslims believe He did not die but ascended into heaven during crucifixion. On the resurrection of Jesus, the Muslims and Jews denied it while the Christians affirm it. On the second coming of Jesus, the Muslims and Christians affirmed it while the Jews deny it. The three faiths also have a similarity in terms of divine revelation where the Muslims believe it is through Muhammad as written in the Quran. The Jews believe through prophets as written in the bible and the Christians through prophets and Jesus as written in the bible. In conclusion, most believers in the current world still have no precise basis for their beliefs. It is important for both Muslims and Christians to have sound knowledge and perspectives in their beliefs. This is because there have been many attempts to redefine religion to fit in the current social agendas. References Catherwood, Christopher. A God Divided: Understanding the Differences Between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Eastbourne: David C Cook, 2007. Liepert, David. Muslim, Christian, and Jew: Finding a Path to Peace Our Faiths Can Share. Nottingham: Faith of Life Publishing, 2010. Paterson, Andrea C. Three Monotheistic Faiths – Judaism, Christianity, Islam: An Analysis and Brief History. New York: AuthorHouse, 2009. Source document

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hydroboration-Oxidation of (1R)-(+)-aplha-Pinene Lab Report

Hydroboration-Oxidation of (1R)-(+)-aplha-Pinene - Lab Report Example The final step involved subliming the organic layer with an attempt to purify the products through use of a cold finger and a vacuum. The final product was then observed and measurements taken. The experiment involved conversation of alkenes into alcohol through the process of anti-markovnikov. The reaction performed exhibited stereo-selectivity and region-selectivity. The solutions used in the experiment were chemically air-sensitive, this made addition of the compounds used a crucial step. The experiment facilitated the learning of how to use IR-spectroscopy in process of confirming the conversion of an alkene group to alcohol group. The corpus of hyroboration of an alkene entails the addition of borane through a double bond. This is an oxidation process that leads to formation of an oragnoborane intermediate. The intermediate, through anti-Markovnikov hydration process, gives an alcoholic product. During the process of the reaction, the boron adds towards the fewer substitutes, which is carbon, owing to the fact that it has a higher level of electromagnetivity. The reaction involving hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide leads to the production of hydro-peroxide anions , removing the boron atom, thus forming boron-hydroperoxide. The alkyl group reacts with the oxygen atom and simultaneously the hydroxide forms another hydroperoxide anion. This process occurs several times until a C-O bond s formed by converting all the C-B bonds. A hydrolysis of the C-O bonds leads to the formation of alcohol. 1) The melting point of my product was at 55.8 degree Celsius. This is lower than the melting point of water, which is usually at 100 degree Celsius at normal temperature. This is higher than the melting point of isopinocampheol, which is at 51. 53 degree Celsius: This is similar to the melting point of neoisopinocampheol. It is also higher than the melting point of cis-2-pinanol and that of trans-2-pinanol, which are at 43 and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Project 2 - Essay Example The site was published in 1999 and was developed from a paper published in 1996. Consequently, some of the information in the site may be out of date and it does not represent state-of-the-art research. Nevertheless, the site provides a valuable resource, and the information that it contains is important for understanding geological phenomena throughout the world. The Glomar Challenger and JOIDES Resolution The Glomar Challenger is a research vessel developed in the 1960s, which studies of marine biology, and had the ability to collect core samples from the deep ocean floor. The ship was involved in a scientific expedition in 1968 that provided important evidence towards the seafloor spreading hypothesis. In the 1990’s a ship was designed for the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES), named the JOIDES Resolution. This vessel is also focused on research, and has the ability to drill deeper than the Glomar Challenger and to produce higher precision po sitioning. The ship carries more than 9,000 meters of pipe for drilling (Kious & Tilling, 1999b). Having research vessels such as these allows researchers to develop extensive knowledge about the way that the processes within the earth interact, and what can be expected from these interactions. Major concentrations of earthquakes Throughout the world, earthquakes tend to be centered along oceanic spreading ridges and trenches. The most prominent of these are the Wadati-Benioff zones. The continental earthquakes that occur are highly concentrated in The People’s Republic of China. Additionally, there is also a high concentration of earthquakes in the Pacific Ring of Fire. This is a particularly relevant area as it is considered to be the world’s most seismically active zone (Kious & Tilling, 1999d). The majority of earthquakes in Europe are concentrated in the Caribbean region, and there are relatively few inland. Undersea hot springs In 1977, scientists discovered hot springs that occurred on the Galapagos Rift at a depth of 2.5 kilometers. This discovery was significant as it was the first such hot spring that had been found on the deep ocean floor, although their existence had been predicted since the 1970s. The remarkable fact about these (and other) undersea hot springs is that diversity and abundance of unusual sea life that lives surrounding these springs. For example, large clams and mussels as well as giant sea worms, were found around the 1977 system. Unusual bacteria have also been found in these systems that oxidize hydrogen sulfide. These provide the lowest level of the hot springs ecosystem, and they obtain their nutrients from the gases which exit the hot springs. Consequently, these areas represent a unique ecosystem, as the temperature of the spring can be up to 380Â °C (Kious & Tilling, 1999a). Plate boundaries The first type of plate boundary is a divergent boundary. This occurs wh

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Exam questions in History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Exam questions in History - Essay Example Analyzing the factual evidences and the historical facts, it becomes lucid that Columbus enjoys a distinction among the explorers which is not completely substantiated by his deeds. It is a fact that he initiated some important explorations which helped the European explorers to establish their imperial superiority in the land. However, it does not adequately establish his role as the chief explorer of the European desires and, in fact, he fell short of his ultimate goals. "Christopher Columbus is an unlikely figure to be considered the discoverer of America and the leading symbol of European exploration overseas... None of this is certain and probably never will be... By contrast, Columbus...knew what he was looking for--a sea passage that would carry him to the fabled wealth of China by sailing west from Europe. This is not what he found." (Marshall, 1998, p 16). The most essential irony of his life and explorations is that Columbus, all through his life, failed to recognize that h e had not reached the Orient but had stumbled upon vast lands totally new to the European mind. Thus, Columbus was a failure in achieving his ultimate goal and was a self-conscious explorer driven by the craving for discovery. It was never Columbus but others who found the full significance of his discoveries. In short, the profound popularity of Christopher Columbus is not completely substantiated by his actions. A. Module 1, Q 2: The actions of the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch explorers and colonizers and their impact on the native peoples, the environment, and Europe. Explorations and colonization by the European explorers including the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch explorers have influenced the course of human history in general and that of the native peoples in particular. These sea-faring nations of Europe were determined to enlarge their influence on the rest of the world through their explorations and colonization in the early fifteenth century. The main motive of these explorations and colonization was profit and the native peoples needed to suffer for the advantage of the European nations. The impact of the actions by the European explorers was favorable to the Europe, while the native peoples and their environment were adversely affected. The European explorers such as the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch attempted to discover better trade routes to Asia and the trade interests in home nations increased tremendously. Explorations were also fueled by the interest for colonization by the European nation, along with the quest for kno wledge about the new lands. The entire Europe has been enjoying the fruits of the explorations and colonization by the early explorers, while the colonized and explored lands of Asia, Africa, and America have been deeply disfavored by these explorations. "The nineteenth century was the great age of European expansion. For 300 years, following the voyages of Columbus, Da Gama, and Magellan, the shadow of the European hegemony had been moving across the oceans. For ten generations hardy explorers, traders, and colonizers had been hoisting sail in the harbours of the Old World to lay the broad

Friday, July 26, 2019

Issue of climate change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Issue of climate change - Assignment Example The past century alone saw global see levels go up by approximately 8 inches. There is enough evidence of sea ice melting while patterns of precipitation continue to change. As some parts of the world receive more rainfall, others are receiving very little or none at all. As a result of increased absorption of COÂ ­2, the oceans are increasingly becoming acidic. Yes the issue may receive a lot of hype from the media and political fronts but it is real, the planet earth’s climate is undergoing change and may be a threat to life in future. We must do something to avert the situation and protect our environment going forward. There is therefore no doubt that climate on the planet earth is not the same again. Human activity is the greatest culprit. Industrialization, deforestation, heavy economic reliance on fossil fuels and other sources of greenhouse gasses are some human activities behind the global climatic change. It has thus come a time when we must sober up and think about our planet’s climatic condition seriously. Green energy technologies, increasing the forest cover and being energy economical are some of the steps we can take to reverse the current climatic situation. Environmental pollution must stop at all costs so as to permit safe of survival of plant and animal

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compose a paper which compares and contrast the positions of Essay

Compose a paper which compares and contrast the positions of chritsianity, Judaism, and Islam can use hinduism as well concerning Suicide f - Essay Example The distinction of suicide from another different sins is that conducted suicide permits no time for repentance. Early church gatherings denied Christian entombment to those liable of suicide. Southern Baptists have passed resolutions communicating worry about suicide in 1972, 83, 92, 96, and 2001; yet, these announcements are tangentially identified with suicide, centering upon things, for example, medication and alcohol utilize, euthanasia and assisted suicide. Suicide is sinful but it is not unpardonable sin (cf. Matt. 12:31–32; Mark 3:28–29). Suicide is a sin against God as the inventor of life. It rejects Gods power and usurps his right with respect to life and passing. Suicide is an infringement of the 6th commandment. Suicide slights the picture of God and the sacredness of human life. Suicide means poor stewardship of someones body. Suicide exhibits misled love and is harmful to others Suicide neglects the estimation of human enduring. Suicide neglects to percei ve the unnatural way of death. Jesus declined to commit a suicide (Black 2003). The individuals who take their own particular lives are actually not qualified for Jewish entombment and grieving rites–but suicide as an unreservedly picked act (with the above results) has been about characterized out of presence by psychological wellness contemplations in the advancement of Jewish law, and much of the time passings by suicide are dealt with like every other passings The individuals who take their own particular lives are actually not qualified for Jewish entombment and grieving rites–but suicide as an unreservedly picked act (with the above results) has been about characterized out of presence by psychological wellness contemplations in the advancement of Jewish law, and much of the time passings by suicide are dealt with like every other passings (Jacobs 1995). Jewish law does not, notwithstanding, place all suicides in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Individual Income Taxes - Tax-Deductible Losses Research Paper

Individual Income Taxes - Tax-Deductible Losses - Research Paper Example Casualty loss is not deductible if the damage or destruction is caused by accidental breaking like glassware, fire that was set willingly and finally a car accident is neglected or willingly act caused it. Keeping adequate records is one of the most important things a taxpayer can avoid a potential IRS audit doesn’t result in any assessment of additional tax, penalties and interests. This method helps you defend yourself against IRS audit. According to the United States internal revenue code, there are certain losses that are considered for tax purposes. This means that the loss can’t be compensated by Insurance and it must be sustained during the taxable year. If the losses are casualty or theft of personal, family, the loss must result from an event that is identifiable, and damaging or unusual nature. Losses incurred in a business or a profit-seeking activity are deductible whether if not they are due to casualty or theft (Pratt & Kulsurd, 2012). Under the current tax laws a casualty loss deduction is allowed if the extent of the loss is not reimbursed by insurance. This law was enacted because of the natural causes that frequently happen and the insurance companies are not fully equipped and able to pay for the massive damages caused. The tax-deductible losses have been modified for years, allowing losses under the tax code. In the 1880s deductions were allowed for losses related to fire and shipwrecks. In the 1990s it covered natural disasters and other casualties and theft. The federal government has responded in so much losses by offering aid to help cover by removing debris and rebuilding areas hit hardest Some people are covered by insurance but the insurance doesn’t cover the entire loss fully, if a tax payer doesn’t have insurance, he/she can be compensate by the federal income tax return for the casualty loss related to disaster.

What is European football clubs' rationale for investing in youth Essay

What is European football clubs' rationale for investing in youth academies - Essay Example The training for the team is also based on age as well as the organization goals. AFC Ajax was able to establish a new organizational structure where there is no traditional leader in the Academy or a departmental structure. Instead, the organization is based on biological processes of development labeled as wheels. The first wheel known as the Onderbouw ranges from age 7-12 and are assigned a Technical Manager; the second wheel is the Middenbouw ranging from age 13-16 with an assigned Technical Manager as well; the third is the Bovenbouw from ages 17-20 with a Technical Manager; the fourth wheel is the Operations which manages administrative matters for the academy; and lastly, is the wheel Technical Management which includes three technical managers as well as a liaison with the First Team and the academy in order to preserve the culture. The team covers all the age groups with some teams also assigned five year old children. These teams go through different stages of development, including athletic, technical, tactical, and social development. No significant emphasis on academic development is however established for the children, especially as their training is incorporated into the daily activities of the students who are picked up from their school and taken to the academy. The development of the players is also based on their gradual physical growth and development. Initially, those under the age of 8 are trained in a 4:4 30 x 20 m field 3 x 1 m goal. Their focus is on passing, movement, and finesse. From ages 8-12, they are taught team spirit with 12 year olds already training three times a week. The focus of their training is on passing, receiving, technical training, positional plays, heading, and making goals. From 13 to 16 years, their training mostly focuses on short games and running activities, including training on passing the ball over short distances. Fifteen year olds are also trained five times a week. Their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The culture of capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The culture of capitalism - Essay Example Capitalism as a social formation started to replace feudalism. Various factors led to the creation of culture of capitalism, which include profit motive, commodity, human desire and the market economy (Price, 2005). The desire for profit was the main motive for the economy regardless of human rights and environmental issues (Wikipedia). The market economy was based on the concept of making money (through employment) and spending money known as consumerism. In a capitalist society the means of production are consolidated under private ownership, and the production of commodities is guided by profit motive to satisfy human desires. The culture of capitalism created a new type of person and as the economy and consequently capitalism grew and the societal norms values, attitudes and belief changed. The work culture underwent a change as did the desires and the tastes. ‘Consumer’ was a new type of person defined in monetary terms. Capitalism encourages people to engage in act ivity that is deemed valuable by other people (Price). This positive attitude towards capitalism is the reason for the success of the system. Between 1440 and 1880 Europeans and North Americans exchanged merchandise for slaves who were then transported to other locations around the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic slave trade involved the largest intercontinental migration of people. Demand for labor on plantations gave a momentum to the Atlantic slave trade. The Atlantic slave trade became an integral part of an international trading system and led to the expansion of the global capitalism. The Atlantic slave trade that started as a trickle in 1440s grew gradually through 17th century. By 1780 an average of 80000 African slaves arrived on American shores (MSN, 2006). Slaves were the greatest exports at one point of time. The vast majority of slaves transported to America worked on agricultural plantations. Most of the plantations produced sugarcane for

Monday, July 22, 2019

Community College Essay Example for Free

Community College Essay After graduating high school a lot of people do not know what their next step in life will be. Some struggle between deciding to go straight into the workforce, joining the military, or continuing their education by going to college. The average person chooses college as their next step. A common issue about going to college is whether to go to a two-year college/community college or straight into a four-year university. I think community college is the smarter and better choice. People fail to realize that going to community college helps you save thousands of dollars. Not only that, but students with undecided majors better find their way while saving money at community colleges. They are very flexible and can provide students with a better transition from high school while benefiting from their smaller class sizes and campuses. As we all know, community college is cheaper to attend than a four-year university. Four-year universities cost thousands of dollars while attending a community college would cost less than half of that. For instance, the average cost of attendance at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) is roughly 5,000 dollars per year for a freshman, compared to the cost of attendance at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) which is about 25,000 dollars a year for freshmen. The cost of attending VCU is fives times as much as attending NOVA where in retrospect the same material is being covered. To break it down, tuition and fees at VCU amount to about 12,000 dollars. One credit costs about 300 dollars while at NOVA a credit costs 150 dollars. Room and board would be 9,000 dollars at VCU, while going to NOVA in most cases you would not have to pay to live at home if you are a freshman. Books would still be around the same price because books in college are expensive regardless. Other expenses would vary depending on what a student would need. Looking back on it the cost of going to a community college saves you a tremendous amount of money and would be worth it in the long run. Growing up people would talk about community college as if it were basically the thirteenth grade. In a sense would not that benefit a student more? Classes at four-year universities can sometimes be overwhelming, having hundreds of students in one lecture class. With classes getting hard from the transition of high school to college, would not a student want smaller class sizes? It only seems reasonable. By having smaller class sizes a student would naturally be able to learn better than in a class full of 300 people. Lecture classes can be long, tiring, and filled with millions of questions. In bigger classes some communication issues might occur and information might not always get to a student depending on their seating. Also the professors might not always get to a question that a student may have which can get very frustrating. Having smaller class sizes, everything is right there in front of a student. The professor is there for easier access to questions, class discussions would be more beneficial and easier to get involved with, and a person would get to know their classmates more. Smaller class sizes would help students gain a better learning experience. Many people go into college undecided on what they want their major to be. Studies prove that 50% of students who declared their majors change them after their first year according to Dr. Firtz Grupe of mymajors. com. Some students even change their majors up to three times throughout college. Going to community college can help a student find out their major while saving money. When a student changes majors there are always some complications. Some classes that were needed for their previous major have nothing to do with the current major that they just switched to. The money that was paid for those credits is, for the most part, wasted. That can be very taxing on a student’s financial income. If these problems occurred to a student who was attending a four-year college they would have wasted thousands of dollars compared to if a student changed majors at a community college. Even though money is lost in both cases, the amount of money lost at a community college is far more manageable than losing thousands of dollars at a four-year college. Think about it this way, would you rather lose 100 dollars or 10,000? Community college is a great way for students with undecided majors to discover what they want to do while not losing as much money and time. Classes at community colleges are very flexible and can help students manage their classes around other things. People who attend community colleges sometimes seek jobs while in school. One thing that could be very frustrating for a student would be having class at a time that conflicts with a work schedule. That could be a problem if a student at a four-year university had a job because not as much night classes are offered at four-year colleges. Community colleges have better options in that case. A student working a regular 9-5 schedule would find problems trying to go to school after work. At community college classes could easily be taken after work with more night classes being offered at a community college. Students can go to work then school or vice versa, go to school in the morning then work some time after without any hardships. Having flexible classes are always a benefit because they provide more options and having options are always a good thing. Community colleges provide an easier transition from the laid back high school environment to the stressful college life. As Liz Addison says, it helps students begin. High school classes are easier compared to classes in college. Grading wise and tests, quizzes, etc. Community college can help ease a student into the college atmosphere. That classes are not that much easier than that of a community college but not as hard either. It is a step up from high school in terms of difficulty and helps to better transition students into the university world. Less stress is involved and things are more manageable. Some people argue many things about community colleges. The main thing often associated with community college is commuting . People say that commuting to community college cost so much money in regards to gas. Community colleges are in your community and most of the times have ways to get you to and from school. They are called community colleges for a reason. All the money that a student would save from not going to a four-year college would cover the cost of gas easily. Also most community colleges have operating bus systems and car pooling is always an option. Another thing people try to argue about going to a community college is that a person will not gain a true college experience. Some people go through life and do not experience many things like never being on a plane, not having a dog, or even never going to a football game. That experience is not something that a student would need to have to become successful in life. The rewards of getting to where you want to be in life are far greater than not getting a full college experience. In the long run you will make up for the experiences you have missed by gaining better ones. Going to a two-year college first before transferring to a four-year university pays off in the long run. People either do not know the benefits or are two proud to attend a community college. Money is saved, the learning experience is better, the transition from high school is easier and community colleges help undeclared majors find their majors. Seems like the smart way to go.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Coordination Abilities In Humans Physical Education Essay

Coordination Abilities In Humans Physical Education Essay The word physical refers to the body, and indicates bodily characteristics such as strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, health coordination and performance. It seemingly contrasts the body with mind. The term education when used in conjunction with physical refers to a process of education that develops the human body especially, and the movement skills. Therefore, it transcends all misconceptions and misgivings about physical education as a field of teaching and an ingredient of general education. Human being is an integration of the body and mind. Both components through their combinations make him more successful. The mental process and the physical expression are beautifully interwoven in the mechanism of the whole man and his wholeness in no case should be made to suffer by separating mental and physical aspects (Kamlesh 1988). Mans life is a continuous flow of activity. Every moment he is doing something and his every activity is the result of the joint efforts of the body and mind; more integrated efforts yield more success to the individual. Things in this world, outside ourselves, come via the body (some organs) into our mind and things in our mind reach the world outside through the body (Sushil Chandra Gupta 1983). The concept of performance related fitness is an elusive term that has been studied extensively over the past several years, and it has been classified by some experts as an aspect of physical fitness. Balance, coordination, agility, speed of movement, and power are among the most frequently cited components of performance- related fitness (Ali 2005). Coordination motor abilities are particularly important at the initial stages of the sports development of a competitor (Zimmermann, Nicklisch,1981, Raczek, 1989, Ljach,1995, Raczek et al., 2002). A high level of coordination improvement since the earliest years makes it possible to make use of technical and tactical skills during a sports competion effectively (Szczepanik,1993, Ljach,1995, Sadovski, 2003, Starosta, 2003, Gierczuk, 2004). A well-formed basis of Coordination motor abilities in young sportsmen is maintained at a later age and is an important reason for faster and more accurate teaching of other, more difficult movement tasks (Raczek et al., 2002) Especially in sports, in addition to mobility, the coordinative abilities strength, endurance, speed abilities and constitutional conditions are the prerequisites for developing high athletic performance. Starting from a high level of coordinative abilities, athletes can learn and improve athletic motor abilities and techniques that are required for the specific sport more quickly and with a higher degree of quality. (Hartmann et al., 2002) Training of proprioception means primarily the training of balance ability. It aims specifically at the improvement of depth perception and the resulting reflex muscle activity and concerns partial aspects of the overall coordinative abilities. (Hafelinger and Schuba 2004) If human beings have to find their balance on an unstable surface, an intra- and intercoordinative reaction of the muscles occurs, which is necessary for maintaining balance. As with proprioception, balancing ability plays a very important role in overall coordination, because the control of movements would be seriously affected without it. This means that balancing ability is also improved and extended through training of proprioception, by being able to learn new movements (Hafelinger and Schuba 2004). Co-ordination means working of all the muscle groups of the body in union. It is of utmost importance in executing any movement with a predetermined objective. Between the muscles groups, co-ordination are divided into inter muscular co-ordination and intra muscular co-ordination. It means coordination between different muscle groups as well as between muscle fibres of the same muscle. Co-ordination is necessary to execute movements requiring speed and strength and more efficiently, therefore, with less expenditure of energy, showing a better performance over a longer time. A person starts losing coordination once he gets tired and vice-versa, a tired person cannot learn movements needing a high degree of co-ordination. Coordination is the ability to integrate separate motor systems with varying sensory modalities into efficient movements. The harmonious working together of the synchrony, rhythm, and sequencing aspect of ones movements is crucial to coordinated movement. Various parts of the body may be involved, such as eyefoot coordination, as in kicking a ball or walking upstairs. Eye- hand coordination is evident in fine motor activities such as bead stringing, tracing and clay modeling or in gross motor activities such as catching, striking or volleying a ball (Ali 2005). Hand-eye coordination is the ability of the vision system to coordinate the information received through the eyes to control, guide, and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a given task, such as punching or defending in combat sports. Hand-eye coordination uses the eyes to direct attention and the hands to execute a task. Fine motor skills are involved in the control of small muscle movements, such as when an infant starts to use fingers with a purpose in coordination with the eyes. Co-ordinative ability should not be equated with motor skills. Though both are inter related and inter dependent upon each other, they are determined by the motor co-ordination process. In a motor skill movement process of body parts are largely automatised for the execution of the particular movement. The co-ordinative abilities play a vital role to increase the efficiency. To acquire efficiency, we require skilled and efficient potentials, for skilled and efficient potential coordinative abilities are very important and a pre-requisite for performance. It will be useful to children for various sports techniques and for their continuous refinement and modification during the long term training process. Coordinative abilities are pre-requisites of athletics performance; these are mainly coordinated by motor control process. Athletes coordinative abilities help them in learning and perfecting technical skill in the training period; the coordinative abilities determine the speed of quality of learning, stabilizing and applying the techniques of sports in coordinative abilities which differ from technical skills that are prerequisite for several motor abilities (Harre, 1989). The optimal age for motor learning is difficult to define. The conditions seem the best up to early adulthood; however lifelong sensitivity allows motor learning process to continue throughout ones life, in the presence of frequent repetitions and appropriate motivation, depending on the difficulty of the learning task. The periods before puberty are nevertheless to be used particularly intensively for appropriate stimuli (especially with regard to co-ordination and speed), because it makes sense to influence the maturing functions. It has been also proved that co-ordination abilities can be trained particularly well at this age. However this does not mean that no effects can be achieved at more advanced ages. Broad co-ordination seems to be favourable for later success in motor learning (Hirtz Starosta 2002). In coordination ability, the control regulation processes are required to function in a particular manner, which is further automatised to a great extent during skill performance. Coordinative abilities have also important and strong links with the motor skills as motor coordination forms the basis of the both. Coordination abilities are understood as relatively stabilized and generalised patterns of motor control and regulation processes. These enable the sportsman to do a group of movements with better quality and effect. In fact coordinative abilities are understood as stabilized and generalized patterns of motor control and regulation processes. These enable the sportsman to do a group of movements with better utilization and effects. The development of coordinative abilities is important for all sports, but in particular for the technical sports, competitive games and for the combative sports. Seemingly, co-ordinative abilities have no essential significance in sports with standard structures of the movements and relatively constant permanent competitive conditioning. However, purposeful development of coordinative abilities in the given case is one of the determining aspects of sports functioning, on which above all depends the level of the sports technical and tactical mastery. If account is not taken of this, constant specialization in standard form of movement will lead to stagnant motor skills and will narrow the very possibility of their restructuring and renewal (L. Metveyev, 1981). Seven Coordination motor abilities were assessed on the basis of 14 indices. It was done with the use of sports-motor tests elaborated by various authors (Mynarski, 2000, Raczek et al., 2002). There are seven co-ordinative abilities identified. These are : (1)Orientation Ability (2) Differentiation Ability (3) Coupling Ability (4) Adaptation Ability (5) Rhythm Ability, (6) Balance ability and (7) Reaction Ability. All the co-ordinative abilities are important for learning of sports techniques and for their continuous refinement and modifications during long term training process. The motor learning ability depends to a large extent on the level of co-ordinative abilities (Hardayal Singh, 1982). Co-ordinative abilities are primarily dependent on the motor control and regulation process of central nervous system. For each co-ordinative abilities the motor control and regulation process function in a definite pattern when a particular aspect of these functions is improved then the sportsperson is in a better position to do a certain group of movements which for their execution depends on the CNS functioning pattern (Hardayal Singh, 1991). The theories of motor coordination, therefore, are the best for understanding the nature of coordinative abilities. For each coordination ability, the central regulation process functions in a definite manner. When a particular aspect of this function is improved, the sportsman is in a better position to do a certain group of movements which for the execution depends upon the type of the central nervous system function pattern (Hardayal Singh, 1991). Efficiency requires good coordination between the body and mind. Lack of coordination results in unskilled or poor movements which is dominated by cortical control that supersedes reflex and integrated mechanism (David W. et al., 1976). In technical sports beautiful and graceful movements are a product of well developed technical skills and co-ordnative abilities which to a great extent determine the maximum limits to which sport performance can be improved in several sports especially the sports which depend largely on technical and tactical factors (Hardayal Singh, 1991). When executing ,coordination assignments are determined first of all by the fact that they demand utmost concentration of attention, subtle differentiations and regulations considerable with, alertness, creation of new forms of movements, coordination and what is more restructuring of the firmly-formed coordination links present a rather difficult task for the nervous system. Naturally it is the best of all to tackle it at the beginning of the main part of the training session (Metveyev, 1981). The coordinate function of the central nervous system and the one of its properties which Ivan Pavlov called plasticity are given a leading role in physical treatment of the essence of coordinative abilities. The ability qualitatively to coordinate movements undoubtedly depends on the perfection of the function of the analyzers (Matveyev, 1981). Such training means can also be used as ancillary means of fostering the improvement of analyzers function while at the same time the athlete can stay relatively passive. The analyzers: as part of the whole neuromuscular system should be seen as a part of the Physisiological Sub- stratum of coordination. Their function co-determines the level of the coordinative abilities. This should be taken into consideration and these means only applied as an additional means to develop these functions ( Dietrich Harre, 1982). Insufficient training of coordinative abilities limits the performance ability specially at the higher level. On the contrary, better development coordination abilities provide essential base for faster and effective learning, stabilization and valuation in technique and their successful execution in game situation. The quality of performance of all fundamental mechanical skills, the rhythm, flow accuracy, amplitude etc. are improved by coordinative ability; it helps in developing very fine extra credible skills (Singh, 1991). Coordination is important for the development of combat sports; the coordinative abilities play a vital role during practice and competition situation. In Judo, Boxing and Wrestling, as we know, the performance is significantly based on coordinative abilities, like reaction time, balance, rhythm, orientation etc., in Judo during uchikomi (repetition practice) the rhythmic ability and coupling ability plays a major role as the technique to be perfected by repeating the movement a number of times. Kuzushi (off-balancing the opponent) is one of the pre- requisites for applying a successful throw which needs the attacker to be in good balance and posture. A learned judokas uses his reaction to get advantage of the opponents slow and improper attacks in applying counter throws. In the game of Judo, after each bout, a judoka fights against a new opponent of different height. Posture measurement add to some extent different weight (specially in open weight category) that enable him to adjus t and transform his grips, techniques, postures and movement depending on the opponent, hence to meet such situation, he requires a top class differentiation ability. During the osaewaza (ground work) there are numerous situations when a judoka tries to hold the opponent, and the opponent lying below is unable to see the movements and positions adopted by the inclination of weight and body parts of the opponent touching him; it is where he uses his orientation abilities to defend himself from holding, locking and chocking technique (Sisodia, 2000). Wrestling belongs to the group of sports disciplines with complex movement activities in which an essential role is played by coordination motor abilities. A high level of coordination improvement, since the earliest years, positively influences the process of learning new movements as well as enables to make a more effective use of technical and tactical skills during a sports fight. Therefore, the formation of coordination abilities, since the earliest years, is the condition of training young wrestlers effectively. The continuously changing life process creates different needs and emphasis for different individuals, as they grow older. There is an optimum level of fitness for different age groups, and for better understanding of physical fitness the components of physical fitness must be known. The components of physical fitness as listed by Lason and Yocomare: Resistance to diseases, muscular strength, muscular power, muscular endurance, endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, co-ordination, balance and accuracy. An individual with a high level of motor ability, possessing the basic motor qualities necessary for achieving excellence in a number of activities, may still be unable to perform well in a particular sport unless he has developed specific skills for that sport through long hours of practices. In technical and combat sports, beautiful and graceful movements are a product of well developed technical skills and coordinative activities. The coordinative abilities, to a great extent, determine the maximum limits to which sport performance can be improved in several sports, especially the sports which depend largely on technical and tactical factors. Experts in training recently have been using the term technique, and coordinative abilities together as one performance factor (technique coordination or technique /coordination), since both are interrelated and interdependent. They have in common the process of the taking in and processing information for the regulation of action which enable the sportsman to direct and control his movement according to changing situation. Both these qualities postulate coordination of the nervous and muscular systems. The learning of motor movement has positive effect on coordination abilities necessary for the perfection of sports technique. Still these two qualities differ in the degree of their general training, methodic and the level of development. In case of motor skill, processes are largely automatised for the effective execution of a wide number of movements similar to each other. Coordinative abilities play an important role in quick changing of body position during game. In some sports, like combative sports, coordinative abilities are very essential for better and effective movement for any execution of movement. In sports, coordinative ability or the combination of various coordination abilities play a vital role for the execution of any skill or movement. The combination of various coordinative abilities is helpful for the execution of any movement or skill. The coordinative ability plays a significant role in learning consolidation and mastery of skills. Punch and defense occur frequently in boxing and it is assumed that these skills may have strong relationship with coordinative abilities. In other combat games like judo, wrestling etc, the player gets very limited time to perform, and enhanced reaction ability plays a vital role. Besides reaction ability, the other abilities, namely Balance, Rhythm, Coupling, Adaptation. Orientation ability, Balance ability play a vital role in the performance of skill in the combative sports. Motor coordination is a part and parcel of action regulation and is closely linked with the process of cognitive, psychic and movement execution aspect of an action. Coordination abilities have also important and strong link with motor skills as motor coordination forms the basis of both. Coordination has been one of the key factors in terms of performance skill in efficient manner. It is generally seen that top level players possess abundance of coordination for developing skill in a variety of ways. Combat sport Combat sport is a competitive contact sport where two combatants fight against each other using certain rules of engagement, typically with the aim of simulating parts of real hand of combat. Judo, wrestling, boxing, mixed martial arts and fencing are examples of combat sports. The techniques used can be categorized into three domains: grappling, striking and weapon usage. Some rule- sets specialize in one area, while others allow overlap. Sports related to combat skills have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. The ancient Olympic Games were largely composed of sports that tested skills related to combat, such as armoured foot race, wrestling, boxing, pankration, chariot racing amongst others. This tradition of combat sports was taken even further by the Romans with gladiators who would fight with weapons, often to the death. Through the middle Ages and Renaissance the Tournament became popular, with the joust as a mine event. While the tournament was popular amongst Aristocrats, combative sports where practiced by the all levels of society. Combat sports occupy a significant place among sports and games. It is a game of anticipation and masterful skill, deception and concentration. It requires mental and physical attributes to be in the top gear to tackle all eventualities in a bout. A bout is won by the perfect amalgam of physical condition, skills, experience and most importantly, the coordination. Boxing Boxing is a combat sports between two combatants who use their fists to achieve supremacy over their opponent. Like wrestling, boxing has ancient roots, as it was well known to the cultures of Mediterranean Sea and Egypt before it was first included in the Greek Olympics in 688 BC. Boxing was later known as pugilism, a derivative of the Latin term for a fighter, from which comes the slang term pug. Boxing was first introduced in 1904 St. Louis, in the modern Olympic Games. It has remained a sport where the competition is organized along weight classification lines, as it is presumed in boxing, like other combat sports judo, and wrestling that the heavier competitor is generally the stronger competitor. With some variations as to categories, all professional boxing, as well as amateur competition, is determined by weight class. And in the year of 1951 New Delhi, it was first introduced into the Asian games in India. Boxing is mainly divided into amateur and professional two categories, and Amateur Boxing Association (A.B.A.) is the highest governing body of boxing. It was formed in the year 1885 in London. It controls the tournament in the Olympic Games, amateur Boxing, including Asian Games etc. In India; on May 13, 1948 the I.A.B.F. was formed at a meeting of provincial representatives who were in Calcutta for the Olympic trials. The only significant difference between Olympic and professional boxing is the length of the rounds in each bout and the use of protective gear. In Olympic competition, all fighters must wear protective headgear and each round is two minutes in duration, with one-minute intervals, and four rounds in total. Professional bouts can last from eight to 15 rounds, depending on the weight classification, and scoring in the sport of boxing is similarly varied between amateur, Olympic, and professional bodies, but the general principles are consistent across the sport. Boxing matches are scored by the referee who is in the ring to maintain order and to enforce the rules of the sport, as well as by three judges stationed outside the ring who assess the fight based on a scoring system. Each punch that, in the opinion of the referee, lands on the opponents head or body will score a point. Penalties may be imposed in the scoring system for such items as a low blow, which is a punch delivered below the belt line of the opponent; a head butt; or any other type of contact that is not permitted by the rules. When the fight is not concluded with either a knockout or a technical knockout at the end of the last round, the fighter with the highest number of points will be deemed the winner. If the points total is equal, the fight is declared a draw. The fighting stance is similar to the traditional athletic stance common to the execution of many sports, with the knees bent and the hips flexed to permit agility and the establishment of a stable position. In the fighting stance, the boxers hands are maintained in a defensive position in front of the head, to protect against punches aimed there. A counterpunch is a blow delivered in an immediate response to one received from an opponent. A combination is a series of two or more different punches thrown consecutively. The boxers footwork is of critical importance to the delivery of a strong punch from a balanced position. Footwork that permits the boxer to maintain balance as the blows are delivered and absorbed is the base on which an effective punch can be delivered; an ability to move gracefully and with agility will often permit a boxer to escape dangerous encounters with the opponent. The tactics employed in a boxing match are a combination of a particular boxers strengths, the opponents perceived weaknesses, and the status of the fight at a given time Boxing training is a very physically demanding process. Boxing is a sport that is anaerobic, in terms of the intervals of high intensity activity contained within each round; it is also aerobic in its requirements that the boxer builds a powerful physical recovery mechanism, to assist the body in returning to its natural balance between each round. Effective boxing programmes will make ample provision for the development of both energy systems. Boxers have traditionally employed skipping and running (road-work) to enhance their cardiovascular proficiency. Agility, lateral quickness, and hand-eye coordination are fundamental to boxing success. The mechanics of the delivery of a punch require the instant coordination of footwork with arm action. The physical risks of boxing are many; lacerations to the face, fractured noses, damage to the ear cartilage and similar injuries caused by punches to these areas are common to boxers. The most serious boxing injuries are those caused by a blow or a series of blows to the head, most commonly concussion and subdural hematoma. Concussion is a brain injury in which the brain is violently moved within the fluid that supports it within the skull ( Judo Judo is an art and sports, founded by Jigaro Kano of Japan in 1882. He took the best of Jujitsu self-defence techniques and cut out those that were harmful. He modified others so that they could be practised safely. Judo uses skill and flexibility for attack and defence. Judo is known as Gentle Way. Strength is of course applied but it is even more important to know how to use it. In emergencies, Judo can be a form of self-defence (Goldman, 1986). Judo may be described as a science for the study of potential power of the body and mind and the way of applying them most efficiently in competitive activities. Hence, it is involved with the study of the laws of gravity, dynamics and mechanics as related to the function of human body. Efficiency in Judo is certainly a valuable assets, but the real value applied to life in the effects which the training produces on the state of the body and mind (G.Koizumi, 1960). Judo was first introduced into Olympic competition in 1964, and it has subsequently become accepted as a high level combat sport for both men and women. Judo has significant world wide appeal, both as a recreational club activity, with participants who seek a measure of improved physical fitness of an individual, and personal pleasure, as well as status as an elite level sport. Judo in wide sense, can be physical culture, in the narrow sense, a sport; as physical culture, it can be an entrance into a special form of physical experience of an intrinsic need, an increase of awareness of what the body is capable of doing. As a sport, the individual can participate in violent competition, experience the conflict of one skill opposed to another. As a man-made skill it can develop the bad and the good in any personality (Geof, 1988). Worldwide judo competitions are sanctioned through the International Judo Federation (IJF), an organization with national governing body members in most nations of the world. Judo is organized as a weight category competition, as larger athletes would possess a natural competitive advantage against smaller athletes, given the nature of judo and its physical requirements. Judo has a standardized ranking system for its participants, which may range from children under 10 years of age to persons in their 70s and beyond. Athletes are judged on their ability to execute various standard throws and holds; the athlete is awarded his judo belt with the colour of the belt signifying their level of proficiency. Black belts are reserved for the masters of the sport, known as dans a tenth level black belt is the highest level ever awarded in judo. The award of a belt is not necessarily related to Olympic or international competitive achievement. Judo is one of the combat sport of coordination, where strength, balance, flexibility, reaction and timing are employed to create tactical advantages. All judo participants wear an identical uniform, the judogi. The competitors wear no other clothing or footwear during the course of bout in competition. The objective of competitive judo is to defeat the opponent in one of the three ways to successfully throw the opponent onto his back; to hold the opponent on his back for a period of 25 seconds; to disable the opponent by way of a choke hold or an arm lock that prevents his further movement. Judo is the only Olympic sport where choking or the potential fractures of an opponents arm are legal techniques. Throughout the course of the contest, the judoka are scored in their movements by three judges, one of whom who is on the mat, the remaining judges are positioned on the edges of the competitive surface. The judges assess not only the raw numerical value of the score, but the quality or any impressive aspect of a single manoeuvre. Points are also scored through the award through penalty; points are not deducted from the offenders score, but added to the opponents tally. As a general rule, a judoka may attempt to knock over the competitor by attacking their legs, by sweeping the feet of the opponent from under them, or by performing one of the many permitted throws. Much of judo success is built upon the ability of a competitor to execute the desired throw while establishing a low centre of gravity through which to move dynamically across the mat. Many judo moves are also executed in mid-air, and the understanding by the judoka of the importance of maintaining a low centre of gravity is essential in landing in a stable position. The brute strength that athletes often develop through weight training may assist in judo, but will never likely be determinative to competitive success. Training exercises that emphasize balance and coordination movement within which the athlete is able to move explosively are the foundation of judo success. As the body of a judoka may be twisted and contorted by the application of opponent force during an event, stretching to achieve maximum flexibility and range of joint motion are essential to prevent fluid movement and to assist in the prevention of injury( Wrestling Wrestling is hand combat between two competitors subject to certain rules, during which each competitor tries to control the movement of the other through the complex technical- tactical moves and by using all their physical and psychological potential (Petrov, 1987). Wrestling is one of the worlds oldest forms of athletic competition. Many cultures had forms of wrestling as a component of their military preparation. The ancient Olympics included wrestling, with the competition first recorded as taking place in the Games of 708 BC. The recognized sport of wrestling is an athletic event, sanctioned by the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA), and it is included as both an international and Olympic competition. More than 4000 years ago at the dawn of civilization, we find that wrestling was highly developed in Asia and Egypt, then introduced in Greece; wrestling was introduced in Rome in the last quarter of the second century B.C. Wrestling developed in England in an early era. China was the first in which wrestling was introduced among the Asian countries, in India history of wrestling can be traced as far back as 4000 years B.C. (Dubey, 1964). Wrestling is a sport involving two athletes engaged in a physical competition that is limited to a specified area defined on a mat. The general object of all types of wrestling is one wrestler attempts to force the shoulders of the opponent to the floor in a prescribed manner. The contest, a bout, is generally two rounds, each three minutes in duration. A wrestler wins a bout by either scoring a fall against the opponent, or by accumulating points through the s

History Of The Bahai Faith Religion Essay

History Of The Bahai Faith Religion Essay The Bahai Faith is an independent monotheistic religion. The Bahai Faith is an independent religion in the sense that it has its own scriptures, own laws, own holy days as well as its own calendar. This faith is known to be one of the fastest growing religion in the world and is spread to at least 250 independent nations in the world. The Bahai Faith represents approximately 2112 ethnic and tribal groups and is composed of as many as over six million people who have declared themselves as followers of the Bahai Faith. This faith is distinct in terms of the diversity of the believers of the faith. The Bahai Faith is a global religion as the believers come from different cultural, ethnic, professional and social class background. The second figure, Bahaullah (Glory of God) was known to be the founder of the Bahai Faith. Bahaullah was born as Mirza Husayn- Ali Nuri in Tehran, Persia who was the son of a prominent Iranian noblemen. He was one of Babs first disciples as well as the most renowned one. In his 20s, he renounced a life filled with wealth, privilege and high social standing in order to join the Babis and fight for humanitarian rights. When the Babis were being persecuted after the death of the Bab, Bahaullah also suffered and was thrown into the Siyah-Chal which is a black pit. It was during his imprisonment here where he received revelations through a maiden from God of him being a Messenger of God and him being the prophet of which the Bab had predicted. While most of the Babis were being killed, he was spared and released from prison but he was consequently exiled from Iran by the government. Bahaullah then made his way to Baghdad and began the quest to revive the Babi community there. Due to this , he was again exiled to Constantinople but before his departure, he revealed to his followers that he was the manifestation of God. This incident marked the birth of the Bahai Faith. After his stay in Constantinople, he was again asked to depart for Adrianople, Turkey. Here, he openly revealed his claim of being the messenger of God and began proclaiming his station openly to the world at a larger scale. It was here also when Bahaullah sent a series of letters to the leading monarchs of his time to inform them about his faith. The monarchs included Pope Pius IX and Queen Victoria. Bahaullah was subsequently sent to Akka which is the modern day Acre, Israel. His final years were spent here but before his death, he assigned and declared his son, Abdul-Baha as the Centre of the Covenant, successor and interpreter of Bahaullahs writings. The third figure, Abdul-Baha known as the Servant of God was the oldest son of Bahaullah and the successor of the leader of the Bahai community. His appointment was stated in the will of Bahaullah. Abdul-Baha was born as Abbas Effendi in Tehran. His birth was special as that day marked the start of the mission of the Bab. From a very young age, he experienced the sufferings of exile and imprisonment alongside his father. Under his leadership, the Bahai Faith expanded beyond the Middle East and found its way to Europe as well as North America.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

In the time I have spent researching CPR and First Aid I have learned a lot about both procedures and have found that they go hand and hand. Even though yes both have difference. CPR is preformed on somebody who is experiencing cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest. Knowing how to perform CPR and first aid is very important. People experience cardiac arrest everyday and they are thankful for the person who responded and performed CPR to save there life. That is where First Aid comes in because First Aid is usually given by the first person to respond to someone who is in need of medical attention. Even though there is a lot of education on CPR out here in the world today, I still think people are not educated enough on the process and importance of CPR. That usually leads to people being scared to even try to learn and educate them self. I think CPR and first aid should really be a part of every work place. First Aid is not only a procedure but it also safety precaution. The world of medicine is constantly changing, so we have to educate ourself on the techniques of CPR and First Aid. These aspects are vital to everyones survival. CPR and first aid are a very important aspects in everyday life as well as in the medical field. Having knowledge and knowing how to perform CPR and First Aid can mean the difference of life or death. These two medical aspects are very serious inside the medical office and outside. As being in any medical profession you have to be certified in CPR. The reason for that is because you will be faced with emergency situations daily and knowing how to respond with the proper technique will make a huge difference in saving someone’s life. I have done ... even examine the patient. First Aid is a basic skill every person should know in the medical profession. According to OSHA standards anyone in the medical field needs to be trained in First Aid, but OSHA does not actually have any standards on the performance of First Aid. In conclusion, no matter who you are you can preform these two important aspects of medical care to save someone’s life. CPR and First Aid are two both processes and take time to master, but everything pays off when you know you can save a persons life. This is the basics needed to become an affective medical assistant. My goal is to use these basic skills to provide a foundation that will help me in realizing my dreams of helping others. The MA is usually the first contact person for the patient so it would seem that they should know what they are doing in any medical situation.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front †An Accurate Des

Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front – An Accurate Description of the Honors and Horrors of War Ellen Glasgow said, "Violence commands both literature and life.† Violence commands Erich Maria Remarque’s literature in his novel All Quiet on the Western Front. Remarque accurately depicts both the physical and mental repercussions of war. All Quiet on the Western Front should be read by all members of the Armed Forces for several reasons. First, the novel describes in detail the worst case scenarios associated with war. By being exposed to such a portrayal of war, unprepared citizens would be able to make better decisions regarding enlisting. Second, those citizens who do decide to enlist would be better prepared mentally for the mental horrors that occur after war. Finally, All Quiet on the Western Front sets a standard for the patriotism needed to serve one’s country and the consequential honor that comes with that patriotism. Perhaps the biggest argument for not mandating the reading of All Quiet on the Western Front is the possible decline in enlisting in the Armed Forces. Such an argument is moot, though. All Quiet merely depicts war as it actually is. In All Quiet, Remarque describes a moment of war by writing, â€Å"Everywhere wire-cutters are snapping, planks are thrown across the entanglements. . . the earth shudders, it crashes, smokes, and groans, we stumble over slippery lumps of flesh, over yielding bodies† (Remarque 117). The possibility of war is manifest in the duties of the military. Gulf War Veteran Alan Parks asserts, â€Å"If a man is going to be deterred from the military by the occurrences of war, he is not the type of man [one] would want defending [one’s country]† (Parks). By reading All Quiet ... ... feels after a war by saying, â€Å"While in the ‘spotlight,’ it is the single greatest feeling anyone could ever imagine† (Parks). Erich Maria Remarque’s novel All Quiet on the Western Front accurately describes both the horrors and honors of war. If the Armed Forces would require this novel to be read, more men would be better prepared for the feelings that await them in the military. By telling of the negative aspects of war, Remarque’s novel could successfully weed out those whom the army does not suit. By telling of the positive aspects of war, Remarque’s novel could encourage more men to join the military. Whether a man decides to join or not to join, Remarque’s novel can provide guidance in making the choice. Works Cited Parks, Alan. Personal interview. 3 April. 2001. Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front. New York: Ballantine, 1956.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Traditional Family Cultural Survive in the Future Essay

Traditional businesses are essential and important for a country. These reveals the lovely culture and habits of nation. These are the most attractive places where foreigners visit whenever they arrive to the land. Foreigners also buy traditional products which is difficult to be bought in their places and be placed at their home for their arrival and remembrances of the places where they visited. Not only for foreigners but also for local people, traditional products show how a person love culture and tradition of that nation. They play an important role in the standard of nation, so it is impossible for them to be disappeared although they get a little way to success. When a country becomes more developed, there is a lesser number of traditional business. The other business are favored and traditional businesses are transformed into these businesses because they are relatively more easy to succeed and can get more profit. Traditional businesses are made by humans and cannot be subs tituted by others. Therefore, they are too expensive for basic people to buy and use them. The other substituted things are processed by machines and standardized. They produce in large quantities and get economy of scale and can be sold in low price. The basic choose the cheaper one for their daily use how much they love their tradition. But the country is based on basic class, not on upper class. The demands go down and traditions have to depend on foreigners and upper class, especially. There is a little chance for every traditional culture business to survive although it cannot be disappeared from the market. All have to transform and innovate new things. Their management style, production process orientation have to be upgraded. Almost all traditional businesses are sole traders. Their finances, profession and ability to do are limited. Only the person who leads the business decide what to do, how to do and who have to do. The other member are not included in the decision, the other members of the family or the floor workers. They have to change this because one’s profession is limited, the decision may be very fast but may not be as good as one deciding by many. They do not have any accurate documents. Some only have Cash Book, Debtors’ book and Creditors’ book. They never draw any financial statement and never check their income and expenses. Some firms may not have any of these, they keep the cash to the drawers when something is sold. And at the end of the day, they keep it to the drawer. And also their pricing, they set the price above the cost of production. Prices are not set stable. Customer has to have full knowledge to get goods with right price. The production processes are made to be smooth. Not all the processes let human make. Making traditional things must be made by human but aided by machine. It can lessen time, make lower cost of production and can control the quality. Machines are more accurate than human. For example, in the process of making pots, they are fired with woods by humans. Instead of this ovens can be replaced. They can be fired with accurate temperature and woods do not need. It can lessen the cost and wages can be reduced. To do these, technology is the key point. Nowadays, we do business in production orientation. We do the best, but we do not know what the customers need, we do not find what they want from us. We have to change into marketing orientation. We must find out what customer needs, how can we fulfill their wish. We have to research on the market. People are bored when they get the only one thing. They always want newest thing, they always seek in us. We have to make innovation based on the tradition. It is important to have great care not missing tradition. foreigners are main customers for the traditional market. Although we can produce the products, we are weak in market distribution. so, we should need organization to improve traditional business. we should make internet website about traditional business. we should make knowledge distribution of tradition to the local. we should connect with travel& tourism .so ,they introduce to visit our industry. And we explain the production process step by step thoroughly .we should create the design update. In traditional job, main problem is rare raw material. If we meet this problem , we should think the another way to substitute with other.

Kite Runner Film Adaption Essay

The Kite blue runner is a movie that has been adapted from the fable written by Khaled Hosseini. According to the past, certain(p) characters and events of the shoot downs that had been based on the novels imbibe been odd out. Unexpectedly, there be merits in this film that should be acknowledged. The movie follows the report kind of closely through those tiptops, and telling the explanation adequately. They are the additions to the screenplay, the sensory experience and the chronicle respectively.The changes made in the movie had a significant effect on the general message of the story. One of the parts in the film that differs from the novel is the birthday hand for Hassan. When Hassans birthday takes place in the novel, he gets paid a mental process by Baba to get rid of his harelip. provided in the film, when Hassan celebrates his birthday, he receives a addition from Baba. Apparently, the increase is more suitable in the context, because it wholly relates to t he title, but to a fault a symbol of friendship.The film helps the audience to have a thoroughly understanding of the refining of Afghan. It attempts to present the cultural sights and sounds of Afghan life. By transferring the story to screen, it has taken advantage of optical elements, showing sensory experience of the kite combat and the appearance of bazaar. Moreover, Afghans music is added in the movie to increase the mood and realistic.The replacement of the first soulfulness narration plays an essential part in the movie. The novel is written from Admirs point of ruling where his own thoughts and opinions are also included. The personal narrative of the book is what makes the story poignant. Therefore, the third person point of view in the movie would be completely different. It is more objective and immediate, and more expatiate are included.The deletion from the novel, sensory experience, and the alternate of the narration has made a around difference form the novel. But still, they are essential to the movements of the story and play an central role in the film.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“a Caring and Supportive Family Is the Main Building Block of a Community.” Discuss.

- A warmth and validating family is the main expression frustrate of a community. Discuss. Family squeeze out be defined as a group of stack who affect aim blood ties and who usu completelyy live nether wiz roof forming a diminutive community.The traditional concept of this would be a man and a woman who switch a legal bond liveness under genius roof with their materialization but when circumstances alter this positioning the subsequent arrangement that arises does non start arrive believe apart obsolete the bonds and affinitys and the crop each penis of that unit has on each early(a) to form values and ethics that would change towards the build of communities. As such a heartateness and appurtenant family is the main grammatical construction block of a community as it assistants to mould psyches into positive kindly credits and privateities who kick in towards expression a healthy community. unless some meters until now though the family is a ffectionateness and keep upive the mortalistic whitethorn shop to be farm along one who contributes positively towards structure a healthy community, on the some former(a) consecrate on that int residue whitethorn be undivideds who come from impaired families but be competent to contribute towards the community beca pulmonary tuberculosis of some opposite accompanimentors. The texts that will be used atomic number 18 The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, Muriels Wedding enjoin by P J Hogan and The Family by Anne Deveson.Firstly a condole with and supportive family moulds an soulfulness into a positive social character by building self-conceit and by guiding and athletic supportering the separate to slang the potential he or she has. ts They may even sacrifice to master that the individual is dramatizen c atomic number 18 slay and disruptions to the individuals keep is minimised then overhauling the person face traumatic experiences and at last produce in t hem a social moral sense to reach by to suspensor the community.On the other hand, when at that place is no c be and support that ensures that the upbeat of the individual is secured than the individual may scent cut adrift and may brook each(prenominal) their self-esteem and feel that they ar a useless member of inn and as such may nevertheless focus on their accept need and become insensitive to the needs of others and end up up not contributing towards building a better community. This can be beholdn from the haracters in the novel The Outsiders where the two onetime(a) chums, Darry and Sodapop, sacrifice their futures and take on the righteousness to hold the family unit together to possess stability to the feeling of their younger brother jogboy. They do this so that cribboy has the opportunity to sue his potential by having a shelter cornerstone, centering and support to excel in his studies so that he can wealthy person a better aliveness. Pony is u ltimately adequate to weather the storms that he faces because his brothers suffer by him and support him emotionally and physically.When Pony gets hurt saving the children from the burning church and is sent to the hospital, Darry is at the hospital waiting for him even though it is Ponys unthinking actions that got Pony into trouble. Darry does not break off up and retreat from Ponyboy. In the a kindred token Sodapop does his best to try and help Darry and Pony understand each other. Darry and Sodapop are in that respect for Pony all the time and Darry nurses and get bys for him like a acquire when Pony collapses after knot and Dallys death.Darrys perseverance in care for Ponyboy and Sodapops emotional support and ground eventually manages to shake Pony pop out of his stupor and depression and he begins to understand his brothers and their needs. This in turn helps Pony to take a grip of his life and come to terms with the grief and trauma of losing love ones and to move on with his life. It is then that he is able to see that he has a social responsibility to tell people the story of knot and Dally so that they can understand boys who live on the wrong side of the cities better. and then the billing and support of his family is what helps Pony through his traumatic experiences and moulds him to be a person who is able to care about others and awakes in him a social conscience which helps to build a strong community. On the other hand Muriel from the movie Muriels Wedding has teeny-weeny care and support that helps her develop her potential. Her family is nonadaptive. Her beat is a corrupt politician who bribes and takes bribes. He is also precise loud and bullies his wife and children and constantly makes derogatory remarks about them and specially Muriel all the time.Added to this he also commits adultery and blatantly brings his lover into family gatherings. Muriel does not get whatsoever form of instruction from her mystify, Bet ty, who is reeking and meek and blinds herself about the state of her labor union by ignoring the blatant adulterous relationship her husband is having with Deidre. Betty faces to cope with these problems by retreating and blurring out details she cant face. This leave out of guidance and bad examples in Muriels family results in moulding Muriel into some one who has low self-esteem as advantageously as ethics.She does not think twice about using the blank curb her mother gives her by mistake and uses all the money in the account in pursuing her own gratification by going to the same resort as her so called helps. Seeing how her Father makes use of friendships for his own gains, Muriel too, later, uses Rhondas friendship and support, when she runs away to Sydney, to fulfil her dreams of having a life standardized to an Abba song. When Rhonda gets ill, she promises Rhonda to be there for her but eventually dumps Rhonda when she realises that Rhonda will not be able to walk.Sh e deserts her friend who is in need at that crown without a tinge of guilt and does not seem to be bothered by the particular that she has betrayed a truly sincere friend. thence it is clear that Muriel is such a self-loving character because of the lack of support and care from her family that energise moulded her into a person who could however care for herself and her needs, without any social conscience to look to the needs of another which and soly makes her an individual that would not be able to contribute towards building community.A caring and supportive family can also help an individual to develop positive spirit traits such as the ability to quash debilitating circumstances such as poverty and an unsettled childhood and take his or her place in the community. On the other hand if the family is impaired, the individual may not be motivated to do anything to get out of the rut and make something of himself or herself by getting a job and contributing positively to the building of the community.We can see how positive family support helps Anne Deveson from the passage titled The Family to learn to pack with her debilitating circumstances of poverty and an unstable childhood. From what she writes we learn that she and her family go through very hard times with points in their life when her parents could barely keep food on their table let alone wonder the luxury of going for a movie. They name to constantly move and have to dole out their homes with other families. At one point the family even faces physical separation, except we admit that Anne eventually becomes a successful author in spite of this background.Anne herself tells that she was able to do so because no matter how hard life became she did not lack warmth affection and loving. Through all their difficulties the parents always beam as best they can with the children and tack on in keeping touch with them although they have problems sharing and talking to each other as can be seen at the time Annes buzz off would blab her on weekends even though they could not communicate with each other. Annes mothers example also taught her how to be resilient and to cope with problems by guidance on something else.Thus Anne learns never to give up and to face life train on to take her destiny into her own hands and contribute towards the building of a community. Conversely, when a family is dysfunctional, it is difficult for an individual to develop positive character traits that will see them contributing positively towards the building of a community. This can be seen in the character of Muriels brother in the movie, Muriels Wedding. From the beginning of the movie this character is represent as a jobless lout, who sits near watching television all twenty-four hours and orders his mother to do things for him following his fathers example.He also faces verbal abuse from his father who seems to drum into him that he is a useless individual and therefore behaves like one too. He, in no way contributes to his family or society. In point he too becomes a cock like his father and verbally abuses his mother at a time when she is veneering emotional trauma because her husband has left(a) her. This insensitivity is probably a catalyst that leads to Bettys suicide. From this it can be seen that an individuals home life influences the individuals character as can be seen in the faux pas of Muriels brother who gets no proper guidance from either mother or father.Added to this, he is only exposed to negative conduct and examples from the father which results in a unemployed and loutish character who has no compliance for any one not even his own mother. Thus making him an individual who does not seem to have any motivation and interest to make something of himself and so is unable to contribute towards building community. succession families that are caring and supportive help individuals to become people who contribute positively t owards building a healthy community, there are also times when they may fail because of other factors that also influence the individual.In the same token an individual may come from a dysfunctional family but may be able to contribute positively towards the community because of other factors. This can be seen in the case of ruttish from the novel the outsiders. Randy is influenced by the Socs and especially his best friend wharf. He joins them in rabble rouse and jumping wetbacks. He is also one of those who were with Bob on the night knot was jumped and beaten so badly that it caused grayback to carry a kinfe. As Randy later shares with Ponyboy it becomes obvious that Randy comes from a decent family and one who stands by him in trouble.He is given proper guidance by his father to tell the integrity at the inquiry into Bobs death. From this it can be seen that before Bobs death Randy had been a destructive person and joined all the acts of aggression and violence of his gro up despite a family who was loving and caring. At that point of his life Randy was a person who was not capable of contributing towards the building of a community because he righteous followed his peers without differentiateing right from wrong. He did not do anything to prevent Bob from doing things that caused price to others and which eventually cost Bob his life.On the other hand there are also times when the family is dysfunctional and yet the individual develops positive character traits and is able to contribute towards building society. This can be seen in the case of Johnny whose family is dysfunctional. He is abused and neglected and finds shelter with his Greaser friends who do their best to be there for him and support him. At first Johnnys world is bleak and so negatively impacted by his home life that he shares with Ponyboy that he feels like committing suicide. only if after the incident of his kill Bob and running away with Ponyboy, Johnny begins to realise that life can be good. At this point in his life it is his Greaser friends who stand by him. This prompts him to mold to return and face the consequences of his actions rather than dredge Ponyboy down with him and become fugitives from the law. This ability to discern and make a life magnanimous decision leads him to take responsibility that he and Ponyboy may have caused the fire and thus go into the burning church to pull through the children.Johnny thus gives his life so that these children may have a venture for a better life than himself. Thus despite coming from a dysfunctional family, Johnny makes decisions that help him achieve personal harvest and contribute towards the community because he receives care and support from his friends. In shoemakers last a caring and supportive family provides an individual with the platform to build self-esteem and realise their potential as well as develop positive personality traits. In this way they can contribute towards the growth of the community.In the same token, despite the fact that they may have a caring and supportive family, ther e are individuals who may fail to contribute positively towards a community and those with dysfunctional families who may end up contributing positively towards a community due to other factors. But the bottom line is that a caring and supportive family is the main building block of the community for we need positive individuals to help influence those who may come from dysfunctional families.